Sunday 31 May 2009

Ghost Vote Polling Fraud Alert—Call to BNP Voters

All British National Party members and supporters have been urged to be on the lookout for polling station fraud committed by corrupt officials who may seek to cast ghost votes in the election on June 4th, party leader Nick Griffin has announced.

“We have received information that certain corrupt officials at some polling stations have devised a plan whereby they intend to vote on other people’s behalf towards the end of polling day,”

“Apparently the plan is to wait until late on polling day, and then to start crossing off names of people on the electoral register who have not yet voted and then voting on their behalf,”

“Such a scam is simple to carry out with only two corrupt officials in on it at a polling station,” he continued.

“The plan also involves an escape route if the person whose name has just been crossed off comes in to vote at the last moment. The answer that has already been devised entails simply giving the voter a ballot sheet and then crossing someone else’s name off the register as having voted.

“The plan is outrageously simple to effect, and an unaware public might well be none the wiser.

“We need all members and supporters to try to vote as late in the day as possible, and then to demand to see their entries on the register.

”If anyone spots any such signs of tampering, or if they find that their names have already been crossed off, they must immediately call the police and contact the BNP by whichever means is most direct, either using the telephone hotline number 02070 783286, by email to fightback @ or by contacting a local BNP organiser or official,”

“We know that the far left are planning all sorts of underhand tactics in the run-up to polling day, but this one is of such a severe nature that we have no choice but to publicise
it,” he said.

“Together we will be able to put a spoke in their plans - but everyone must play their part.”


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